Jody Johnson

Candidate for

Supervisor District 4, Leake County

If elected as your county supervisor, I will use knowledge and experience gained over my career to make a positive impact and improve conditions for the people of Leake County. I am a state licensed master electrician and commercial contractor, facility technician for AT&T and business owner. Everyday I drive county roads, walk ditches and visit homes. Through the years I’ve heard the same complaints, over and over, from different people. Each complaint presented opportunity to change, yet the issues were eventually accepted instead of being

This year, address the complaints by electing qualified leaders who listen and will ensure the success of Leake County. If elected, I will address the issues and areas that have been overlooked. I will recommended changes to reduce unnecessary county spending, and stress the importance of keeping Leake County’s money in Leake County. I will bring attention to contracts excessive in cost or unfair to the county and push to improve insufficient or outdated policies, procedures and practices. I will ensure that all business is handled properly and no person will go unheard. County residents will not have to jump through hoops to get in touch
with me. My contact information will always be available and I can be reached now, or anytime in the future by phone or email.

My goal is to earn your vote, and I want everyone that does vote for me to be confident in their decision. Below are questions I found on a candidate survey and my answer to each of the questions.

What would be your top 3 priorities if elected?
1. Eliminate excessive spending on items and services that could have been purchased at lower costs and use the extra money to address areas that have been overlooked / neglected.
2. Promote training and innovation in the county that will lead to more job opportunities. Many of our local small businesses struggle and we must give them first opportunity at our business whenever possible. Ensuring proper training in fields of demand will help local businesses succeed and allow them opportunities to meet the needs of the county and the needs of other areas. Local small business success is a key factor in the success of the county.
3. Stay involved and proactively supervise the county. Address problems while the problems are small and before they get out of hand. Provide residents a means to easily report issues, ensure that valid issues are addressed, and learn from the circumstance, so that future issues of the same nature can be prevented.

What are 3 areas of public policy are you passionate about?
1. Education
2. Economic Affairs
3. Energy (Efficient use of energy to lower expense. E.g., LED bulbs vs. incandescent, sealing windows and cracks, better insulation, renewable energy, etc.)

What characteristics or principles are important for an elected official?
Elected officials should be honest and upfront at all times. Changes, or decisions made should benefit the people they represent, and to the best of their ability, elected officials should follow through with any promises made during their campaign.

What qualities would make you a good office holder?
I am a people person, problem solver and have a wide variety of experience in many different fields. I am also experienced in negotiation and have the skills needed to secure competitive pricing on materials, equipment and services. Over the years, I’ve learned the fundamentals that are needed in business management to ensure success. I also enjoy being involved in the county and communicating with residents. I take ethics very seriously and believe that all people in all areas should be treated equally. My interest is in making changes and improvements that benefit the people of the county.

What are some of the core responsibilities for someone elected to this office?
County supervisors control the county budget, establish and maintain county laws, make critical decisions and are solely responsible for the direction of the county.

What legacy would you like to leave?
I would like to leave a legacy of making changes and improvements that ensured the success of the county for many years.

Are there little known powers or responsibilities of this office that you feel more people should be aware of?
I feel that voters need to be aware of all responsibilities required of each elected position and hold elected officials accountable when poor or unethical decisions are made. Also, everyone needs to do more research into the background of candidates running for election, and make informed voting decisions.

Do you believe it’s beneficial for holders of this office to have prior experience in politics?
No one has political experience when they are elected for the first time. However, I feel all candidates should have some experience relatable to to the office being pursued.

What skills or expertise do you feel is most helpful for holders of this office to possess?
Basic business skills, critical thinking skills, being open minded, acceptable to change, and the ability to make good decisions under pressure.

Many elected county positions are open this year; over the next few months take time to check backgrounds, qualifications, reasons for running, plans and goals of all candidates, to make informed voting decisions. If you have any questions, please contact me. I would also like to hear your ideas, opinions, and any complaints, or issues that you would like to see addressed. Feel free to contact me any time by text and phone at 601-951-1224 , or by email at [email protected]

Thank you in advance for your support,
Jody Wade Johnson

Paid for and approved by Jody Johnson, Candidate for Leake County Supervisor, District 4.
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