Mississippi Approaching a Million COVID Cases

Mississippi is on pace to top a million cases of COVID-19 next month.  The State Health Department says, with last week's numbers still being tabulated,  984,614 total cases have been confirmed since the pandemic began.  And we've been averaging more than 3,000 cases a...

Deadline Approaching for Youth Football and Cheer in Carthage

Matlock Park Youth Football and Youth Cheerleader registration Is going on now in Carthage. The deadline to register is Monday May 30th. Matlock Park Youth Football and Youth Cheerleader programs are for children ages 5-12. The registration fee is $55 per child and applications...

Legislators approaching busy part of 2020 session

Mississippi lawmakers have had a slow start to their four-month session, but the pace is about to quicken as committees start debating bills dealing with the criminal justice system and other issues.March 3 is the first big deadline. That's the last day for House...