EC Lady Warriors Drop Doubleheader with Jones College

The East Central Community College Lady Warriors softball team hosted a doubleheader with the Jones College Lady Bobcats at the Softball Complex in Decatur today. The Lady Warriors lost the opening game 12-1 in 5 innings when the game was called by the "8...

EC Warriors Split Doubleheader with Gulf Coast

The East Central Community College Warriors baseball team played a doubleheader at the Clark/Gay Baseball Complex in Decatur today hosting the Bulldogs of Gulf Coast Community College from Perkinston. The Warriors dropped  the opening game by the final score of 13-7 in 9 innings...

EC Warriors Sweep Northeast Tigers in Doubleheader

The East Central Community College Warriors baseball team improved their conference record to 11-1 today after sweeping a doubleheader at the Clark/Gay Baseball Complex in Decatur hosting the Tigers of Northeast Community College. The Warriors won game one 19-10 in 9 innings and game...

EC Lady Warriors Split Doubleheader with Northwest

The East Central Community College Lady Warriors were back at the Softball Complex in Decatur hosting the number four team in the nation the Lady Rangers of Northwest Community College. The Lady Rangers were 6-0 in the conference and 17-1 entering today's game and...

EC Warriors Baseball Team Sweep Doubleheader with Hinds Eagles

The East Central Community College Warriors baseball team played a doubleheader at the Clark/Gay Baseball Complex in Decatur today hosting the #18 nationally ranked Eagles of Hinds Community College and came away with two big conference wins to improve their conference record to 5-1...
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EC Warriors Sweep Baseball Doubleheader with Coahoma

The East Central Community College Warriors baseball team played doubleheader baseball at the Clark-Gay Baseball Complex in Decatur hosting the Tigers of Coahoma Community College from Clarksdale and came away with wins in both games. In game one, the Warriors ended the game in...

EC Lady Warriors Split Doubleheader with Baton Rouge

The East Central Community College Lady Warriors were back in action today at the Softball Complex in Decatur hosting the Lady Bears from Baton Rouge Community College. In game one of the doubleheader the Lady Bears jumped out to a 5 run lead in...

EC Lady Warriors Sweep Doubleheader Softball at Decatur

The East Central Community College Lady Warriors were back in action at the Softball Complex in Decatur this afternoon playing doubleheader softball hosting the Lady Stars from Lansing Community College from Lansing Michigan. The Lady Warriors improved their season record to 14-7 after convincing...

EC Warriors Baseball Doubleheader Sweep of Green Jays

The East Central Community College Warriors baseball team played their first home games today at the Clark/Gay Baseball Complex in Decatur hosting the Green Jays of Jackson State Community College from Jackson Tennessee. The first game scheduled for 9 innings when into extra innings...

EC Warriors Split Basketball Doubleheader in Decatur

The East Central Community College basketball teams were in action in Decatur tonight. The Lady Warriors played the Lady Tigers of Coahoma Community College from Clarksdale in the opening contest. The Lady Warriors enjoyed a two point lead after the opening quarter but would...$19.99+Performance+Max&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=6980747738&hsa_cam=20100066933&hsa_grp=&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=x&hsa_tgt=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqsuOtYHViQMVyEb_AR19aAKBEAAYASAAEgJaCvD_BwE

EC Lady Warriors Sweep Doubleheader with Coahoma Tigers

The East Central Community College Lady Warriors were back at the Softball Complex in Decatur today for their final regular season games hosting the Lady Tigers of Coahoma Community College in a softball doubleheader. The Lady Warriors had no problem adding two conference wins...

EC Lady Warriors Split Doubleheader with Hinds Lady Eagles

The East Central Community College Lady Warriors played a softball doubleheader at the Softball Complex in Decatur this afternoon hosting the Lady Eagles of Hinds Community College from Raymond. The Lady Rangers won the first game in 7 innings by the final score 0f...