Grand Larceny, Domestic Violence, and Indecent Exposure in Attala and Leake Thursday, October 31 by Staff ReportVERDISA L CHICKAWAY, 33, of Philadelphia, Hold for Other Agency, Bench Warrant...
Indecent Exposure, Vandalism, and Receiving Stolen Property in Leake and Attala Sunday, September 15 by Staff Report
Indecent Exposure and Multiple Shoplifting, Disorderly Conduct, and DUIs in Attala and Leake Arrests Tuesday, July 16 by Staff Report
Felony Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Drug Trafficking, Indecent Exposure, Forgery, and Malicious Mischief in Attala and Leake Arrests Monday, August 14 by Staff Report
Aggravated Assault, Aggravated Trafficking, and Indecent Exposure in Attala and Leake Arrests Tuesday, July 4 by Staff Report
Aggravated Assault on Police, Drug Trafficking, and Indecent Exposure in Leake and Attala Arrests Wednesday, September 14 by Staff Report