MSDH Guidelines While Waiting for COVID-19 Test Results

Protective guidelines while waiting for COVID-19 test results can save lives. According to the Mississippi Department of Health a person waiting for test results should stay home, and not go to work. it is also important to stay in one room as much as...

Mississippi Forestry Commission Burn Ban Guidelines

The Mississippi Forestry Commission has provided a list of activities that are allowed and not allowed as part of the current burn ban. See belowAllowed: Propane/ gas grills, propane/ gas heaters, and charcoal grills are allowed under burn bans. They should be used...

Revised Resolution Enforces Curfew in Carthage

A citywide curfew is being enforced in Carthage, Mississippi. Effective immediately, the curfew was voted in by The Mayor of Carthage and Board of Aldermen. It begins at 10 p.m. and lasts until 6 a.m. daily until April 30th. According to the resolution all...

Mississippi Shelter in Place Restrictions and Guidelines

Mississippi Shelter in Place Guidelines to be implemented Friday, April 3rd at 5pm as follows:1)Individuals are to stay at home except for the limited allowances in the executive order. 2)When outside of their homes, people must follow social distancing guidelines by maintaining a 6-foot distance...

MSDH Guidelines for Boil-Water Notice

Carthage - Carthage remains on a boil-water notice until further notice from Mayor Mary Ann Vivians. Meanwhile, the MSDH has a list of guidelines and precautions including how and when to boil water as well as overall effective hygienic practices. Below please find a...

Baptist Leake Visitor Guidelines

Please note that in response to  Coronavirus Disease 2019 Baptist Leake has implemented the following guidelines. We will continue to update you as more details become available.