The Clothing Drive to Save Lives Continues at Mercy Reigns

Mercy Reigns and Hope Mission continue to collect clothes and financial donations for the international initiative called Clothing Drive to Save Lives. Clothing, shoes, belts, and gently worn bed lines and blankets are being collected with the goal of recycling then converting funds to...

Mercy Reigns Launches Share The Love

Mercy Reigns resale store is launching 'Share The Love' today. As part of the event, the ladies will be giving out food bags to every customer who purchases any item. They said "you can keep the bag or pass it on to someone...

Mercy Reigns Resale Needs Our Help

Carthage Ms- Mercy Reigns Needs Our Help. The Carthage resale shop and food bank needs canned and dried foods for it's food bank. The food bank contributes to food needs in the community. Carthage United Methodist Church says "If you have pantry items you...