Mississippi’s Flu Rate Edges Up Again

The flu bug won't go away in Mississippi.  The State Health Department says we've actually seen an increase in the flu rate statewide, with 5.3 per cent of patients who went to a doctor's office complaining of  flu-like symptoms.  That compares to an adjusted...

Wednesday is deadline to sign up for “Picking 35”

“Picking 35” is coming back to Carthage and surrounding communities.Central Mississippi’s 75-mile yard sale is set for Saturday, April 1, 2023 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.Yard sales will be set up on Hwy 35 from Forest to Vaiden and all points in between.Applications...

You Can Design Mississippi’s Next Car Tag

Got some ideas on what the new standard car tag in Mississippi should look like?  The state is now accepting design submissions and you have until the end of the month to email yours to the Department of Revenue.   Governor Reeves says the process...

AAA: Mississippi’s Gas Prices Are the Cheapest

The average price for gas in Mississippi is now the lowest in the country-- even though it's still more than 30 cents higher than what we were paying a year ago.  AAA says the statewide average of $3.13 is about a nickel lower than...

Summer Ranks Among Mississippi’s Hottest

Even though the calendar shows we’ve still got a little more than two weeks of summer left, Labor Day is the unofficial end of the season.  You hear a lot of people complaining about how unusually hot...