Leake County Annual Toy Drive a Success

The annual Toy Drive for Leake County families in need wrapped up successfully on December 18, with overwhelming community support.Organized in collaboration with the Main Street Chamber of Leake County, Carthage Police Department, Walnut Grove Police Department, and the Leake County Sheriff’s Office, the...

Leake County Law Enforcement Toy Drive a Success

Several local law enforcement agencies recently teamed up with the Main Street Chamber of Leake County and partnered with Leake County Child Protective Services to hold a toy drive to benefit children in Leake County.Gifts for children ages 1-12 were taken to designated drop...

Robinson Family Dental Celebrates 10 Years of Service and Success

Union, MS (October 4, 2023) – Robinson Family Dental is proud to announce the celebration of its 10-year anniversary. Since 2013, Robinson Family Dental has been committed to excellence, and patient satisfaction. This milestone marks a momentous journey of growth and success.Over the years,...

Active Shooter Preparedness Class a Success in Leake

Earlier this week, the Leake County Sheriff’s Office hosted the CRASE class that was instructed by Mississippi Department of Homeland Security.Aside from any law enforcement officers in attendance, there were 40 people who signed in for the class.Daycare workers, teachers, church security members and...