A Vehicle fire and a Pair of Accidents in Neshoba

  Wednesday, 5/4/22 6:59 a.m. - Neshoba Deputies responded to a two-vehicle accident with no reported injuries on Hwy. 16 by the casinos.7:27 a.m. - Neshoba Deputies were sent to a two-vehicle accident with possible injuries on Hwy. 19 N. near Road 185.8:49 a.m. - Philadelphia...

Saturday – One Vehicle MVA On Hwy 16 E

12:16 am - Officials responded to a one vehicle MVA on Highway 16 East. No injuries were reported on the scene. 12:24 pm - Leake County officials received a 911 call about a grass fire on Coosa Road. 4:33 pm...

Saturday – One Vehicle MVA On Beacon St

12:45 am - Caller called in advising drug activity on Mars Hill Road. 6:48 am - Leake County officials responded to a one vehicle MVA on Beacon Street. Unknown injuries were reported at the time. 6:36 pm - An officer...

Saturday – One Vehicle MVA On County Line Rd

1:00 am - Officers were requested to County Line Road between Spinout Road and Highway 35. Caller called in and advised that the caller had hit a cow. No injuries were reported.7:37 pm - An officer was dispatched on Highway 25 South for a...

Vehicle Accidents Galore in Neshoba

 5:06 a.m. - Neshoba County Deputies were alerted to a reckless driver reportedly traveling in excess of 100 MPH on Hwy. 15 northbound.2:00 a.m. - Neshoba County Deputies were sent to a livestock hazard on County Road 149.3:48 p.m. - Neshoba County Deputies responded...

BOLO Issued for Stolen Vehicle (Audio)

Overnight 911 Dispatch notified City and County law enforcement to be on the look out for a stolen vehicle. According to the dispatch the vehicle was described as a beige 2002 Ford with a dent on the passenger fender. Last seen the truck had...

Attala and Leake Issue BOLOs for Two Vehicle

The Attala County Sheriff's Department issued a B.O.L.O. (Be On the Look Out) for a missing vehicle. It's described as a 2002 silver Chevrolet with a tag number of "AA1 0952" . If you see this vehicle or have any information you are urged...

BOLO for Stolen Pizza Delivery Vehicle (Audio)

At 7:00 pm a call came into the Attala 911 Dispatch of a stolen truck. The driver said that she worked for Pizza Hut and when she delivered a pizza to a residence on Attala Road 1205 in the Williamsville community the truck was...

man jailed for stolen vehicle in Neshoba County

The Neshoba County Sheriff's Department has recovered a stolen vehicle and put a Louisiana man in jail.Neshoba County Sheriff Eric Clark said, "Thursday we received a call concerning a stolen Ford Explorer."The stolen vehicle was reportedly spotted in a drive at 10072 Road 614...