A Salute to the Class of 2022 – Coop and Crew Hang with B-MO in the MO’rning


B-MO in the MO’rning – The day before their final time on the turf at Landrum Field at Whippet Stadium, I had a second look at a group of kids that had impressed me with their focus and maturity, a blend of influence of their parents and coaches I’m sure. I remember being impressed that their thoughts were solely on their opponents instead of things “teenage” girls normally would (or at least the ones I raised and their friends who were always at the house. As the season had almost drawn to end this was still the same group of girls, just as focused and ready to enjoy what was left of the road ahead as their senior years were coming to an end. Coach Cooper and their parents, friends and families should be very proud, a little nervous and ready to laugh as you’ll get to hear a different side of them all. Thanks to each of you, my thoughts and best wishes for the road ahead.

Thanks to Coach Cooper and his staff, the parents and all who supported these athletes this season. – Brian “B-MO” Montgomery

Below are the interview segments for each of the seniors: The nicknames are mine and were given out because of their character, their personality or simply due to the fact that I simply have nicknames for almost any and everybody:



The President – Austin Jones



The Striker – Lanna Nunley


The General – Mary Patton Henderson



Mama Cat – Anna Catherine Cheek



Say Goodnight – Gracie Singletary 


The Judge – Anna Carol Gowan



The Cannon – Will Carter



The “Pipes” – Vincent Miller


Coop takes us home and the bloopers









