What’s ON TAP for BMO in the MO’rning:
On tap today, BMO, “Brother Breck” and Chris Davis discuss Central Mississippi headline news, they have your Friday Festivities at the top of the 6 & 7am hour plus a lot more:
BMO’s “Text and Tones” topic question of the day is a good one as they as you “What is the thing you miss most about your childhood?” For BMO (other than his grandparents) IT’S ALL ABOUT THE EVIL KNIEVEL STUNT BIKE SET!!!! BMO swears he broke as many of those toys as Evil Knievel broke bones. He had other favorite toys and they’ll discuss that and the stupid games they played like “Road Kill”.
You can check out BMO’s NEWS’eum for stuff that took place on today in country music…
Get the latest in country music headline music news….
and we salute Mr. Kenneth Georgia, the recipient of the Mississippi FFA with the Distinguished Teacher Award. Read about it here.
All of that and they’ll get you ready for the 10th Annual S.P.R.A (Southeastern Professionals Rodeo) Finals are coming to the Neshoba Coliseum in Philadelphia on February 5th & 6th. The event will features all the rodeo excitement you can handle and will be fun for the whole family. Social distancing policies will be in effect and masks WILL be required to attend the event. For more information, visit Neshoba.org or call (601) 656-1000