Leake EMA Director Tommy Malone Talks Covid on the Rise, Deaths Close to Home, and What We Can Do in Our Community


We spoke with Leake County Emergency Management Director Tommy Malone about the recent Rise in Covid-19 cases, deaths close to home, and what we can do to protect ourselves and our neighbors to make a positive impact in the heart of our community. Director Malone said ” our numbers are going up. there have been a number of EMA directors and first responders effected. You know we just lost one of our EMT’s who was only 36 years old. A lot of times there that it infringing on our rights but we have got to be considerate of others when it comes to masks and precautions. It may not effect us but it may effect someone else. So I would just encourage everybody to take precautions, practice as much social distancing as you can, and proper personal hygiene. Use a multi layer mask if possible.”



