Meredith to Speak at Ole Miss Commemoration Tonight


Almost 60 years after he enrolled as the first Black student at Ole Miss, Kosciusko native James Meredith will be on the Oxford campus tonight to speak during a program commemorating this weekend’s anniversary of that historic moment.  “I think the value of what James Meredith did when he integrated our institution can’t be understated,” says Assistant Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion E-J Edney.  “I think it’s the basis for which we now pursue our commitments to all of our citizens in our state.”

Edney says a lot has changed at Ole Miss since 1962 but more work remains. “We’ll always have things to pursue in making this institution more accessible, more inclusive, more committed to equity for everybody who chooses this as their educational destination.”

Tonight’s event is called “The Mission Continues: Building Upon the Legacy.”