Neshoba General Reminder To Register for Covid-19 Vaccine


Neshoba General is reminding you that registration is available for the Covid-19 vaccine. According to Annette Watkins “Neshoba General nor any Neshoba General clinics have the COVID vaccines available for public distribution yet. However, the vaccine is available on Tuesdays at Neshoba County Health Department. Vaccines are currently available for health care workers and individuals age 75 and older.”

Mrs. Watkins is encouraging everyone with family or friends 75 years of age or older that are interested in receiving the vaccine  to please be of assistance to those who may not have access to a computer or the capability to fill out an application online. We will have information posted on our social media pages and website.  We will also try to update as soon as we receive additional information. Below are links to the vaccination location sites and vaccine registration.

Vaccination drive-through sites

COVID-19 Vaccine Patient Screening – UMMC COVID Scheduling (
