In a 3 to 1 vote, the Board of Aldermen voted in favor of a salary increase for themselves and Mayor James Young.
“They agreed, besides one, to increase the Board of Aldermen’s $200.00 per month, starting in October. Also they voted to increase mine by 5,000 from 55 to 60, annually,” said Mayor Young.
Mayor Young said this raise will not increase taxes of Philadelphia residents. However, an increase in school taxes will.
“We wouldn’t dare raise our salaries and tax the people. So the increase came from debt service on the school. Last year it was 1.96. It went up to 3.49 for debt service, paying off debt. That’s an option we don’t have. In other words, if they need it, that millage goes up in that school district,” said Mayor Young.
The Board of Aldermen and Mayor Young discussed several items in their latest meeting, Tuesday night, including ways they hope to better the community.
“We talked about some of the dilapidated properties we’re working on in the city to remove. We’ve got a new agreement we’ve been working on to alleviate some of those properties that have been bringing other people’s property values down in the community,” said Alderman At-Large Leroy Clemons.
That pay raise was voted on in the September 17th meeting and went into effect October 1st.