Qualifying Now Open for 2023 Elections


The 2023 election qualifying period for state and county offices is now open.

Voters this year will decide on candidates for supervisor, sheriff, tax collector, coroner and all other Leake County offices.

State offices on the ballot this year include governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general.


Anyone wishing to qualify for a county position must file the paperwork at the Leake County Circuit Clerk’s office located inside the Leake County Courthouse.

Candidates can qualify with a party or as an independent. The cost is $100.

The qualifying period ends Feb. 1.


For more information on 2023 elections contact the Leake County Circuit Clerk’s Office at 601-267-8357 or visit www.sos.ms.gov/Elections.

Election Dates:

  • Primary Election Day: Tuesday, Aug. 8
  • Primary Runoff Election Day: Tuesday, Aug. 29
  • General Election Day: Tuesday, Nov. 7