Wicker Supports Russian Oil Ban


Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker today released the following statement regarding President Biden’s announcement that the U-S is banning the import of Russian energy products:


“The U.S. should not be funding Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked assault on Ukraine by purchasing Russian energy products,” Wicker said. “This moment of moral clarity requires American leadership. I am glad that President Biden has finally heeded repeated calls to cut off Russia’s energy revenue, and I hope our European allies will soon follow.


“It is also imperative for President Biden to end his war on American energy and renew our nation’s commitment to being energy independent. There is simply no reason that the U.S. cannot supply all of our own energy needs and become a net exporter of energy again. The President should revive the Keystone XL pipeline project, open up oil and gas leases, reduce red tape for exploration, and focus on stabilizing supply and lowering prices for all Americans.”
