No chance Neshoba County Fair will be rescheduled


Mississippi’s Giant House Party is a tradition that dates back 131 years. In fact, many of today’s fair goers have never seen a summer without it.

“Last time the fair was cancelled was during World War II. There were a couple of years back in World War II that, for whatever reason, the fair was cancelled. So you’re going on probably two generations who have not been around for a cancelled fair,” said Chamber and Main Street executive director, Tim Moore.

Moore said like most people, he is disappointed there will be no fair, but believes cancelling was the right decision, given the coronavirus outbreak and the number of people who would attend the fair.

“I run one of the gates for the fair association and I have people from four different countries who come to the fair every year. It’s their vacation. This is something statewide, nationwide and internationally. The fair brings in close to 250 to 350 thousand people annually so there’s a lot of people,” said Moore.