Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith headed to Philadelphia for ECCC program


After months of hard work, East Central Community College and its partners are ready to open the brand new diesel technology program, located in Philadelphia, with a ribbon cutting, Friday and a special guest.

 “Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith is committed to being here, so we are excited she will be here. We are excited to have her a part of the activities,” said Community Development Partnership President David Vowell.

 Vowell said the ribbon cutting is an opportunity for Senator Hyde-Smith to see what great things Philadelphia has to offer.

 “She’ll be at the ribbon cutting and then we’re going to show her the Marty Stuart Warehouse. After that they’re going to go over to the Pearl River Indian Reservation where she can spend some time with Chief Cyrus Ben,” said Vowell.

 ECCC has partnered with several groups to bring Mississippi’s sixth diesel technology program to Philadelphia. Vowell said the program is a huge accomplishment for all involved.

 “It’s exciting for East Central. It’s exciting for our community. It gives two real benefits. One is the opportunity for jobs with the diesel technology facility, but it also supports our local industries,” said Vowell.

 The diesel technology project is a joint effort between ECCC, the city of Philadelphia, Neshoba County Community Development Partnership, and USDA Rural Development.

 The public is invited to attend the ribbon cutting at 10:00 AM, Friday, at 1250 Pecan Avenue, in Philadelphia.

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