Election Day in Leake County – Sample Ballot

The ballot is set for local political races in Leake County.The Leake County Circuit Clerk's office has provided Kicks 96 News with a sample ballot for this year’s election.Local races on the ballots include sheriff, supervisors, tax collector, and circuit clerk.State races for governor,...

Election Day in Neshoba County – Sample Ballot

The ballot is set for local political races in Neshoba County.The Neshoba County Circuit Clerk's office has provided Kicks 96 News with a sample ballot for this year’s election.Local races on the ballots include sheriff, supervisors, tax collector, and circuit clerk.State races for governor,...

Sample Ballot for August Primary Elections in Leake County

Kicks96 News has been provided with a sample ballot for this year’s Democratic and Republican primary elections in Leake County. Local races on the ballots include sheriff, supervisors, tax collector, and coroner. State races for governor, lt. governor, senator, and...

Sample Ballot for August Primary Elections in Neshoba County

Kicks96 News has been provided with a sample ballot for this year’s Democratic and Republican primary elections in Neshoba County.Local races on the ballots include sheriff, supervisors, tax collector, and coroner.State races for governor, lt. governor, senator, and representative are also on the ballots.Click

City of Carthage November 8th Election Sample Ballot

Carthage City Clerk, Penny Spears, recently provided Kicks96 News with a sample ballot for this year’s election.The 2022 general election is scheduled for next Tuesday, November 8th and features races for Mayor, Alderman Ward 1, Alderman Ward 2 (unopposed), Alderman Ward 3, and Alderman...

Leake County November 8th Election Sample Ballot

The Leake County Circuit Clerk's office recently provided Kicks96 News with a sample ballot for this year’s election.The 2022 general election is scheduled for next Tuesday, November 8th and will include both local and regional races.See the complete 2022 Leake County Election Sample Ballot...