Attempted Break-In by a Billy Goat

Dispatches for Leake County August 2, 202212:42 am officers responded to someone needing assistance at the fire department12:49 am Caller reporting drug activity on Mars Hill Road.4:56 am Officers were called to Red Dog Road where someone was attempting to kick in a door.5:28...

VIDEO – Billy McMillan Sworn in as Chief of Police in Carthage

Billy McMillan was sworn in this morning, Friday July 15, at Carthage City Hall.McMillan comes with over 30 years experience in law enforcement. He was an investigator at Leake County Sheriff's Department.Family, friends, and several Leake County and City of Carthage Officials attended to...

Billy Lawson on The Main Event

Billy Lawson from Wishbone Studios was live from Muscle Shoals on the Main Event this morning with LOLLYDUDE.and played his tune Merry Christmas to you from me...Billy and Wishbone Studios is where we send our Mississippi Songwriter of the Year to record each year....

ECCC President Dr. Billy Stewart Announces Retirement

East Central Community College President Dr. Billy Stewart today announced his retirement effective July 1, 2020.The announcement was made at the monthly Board of Trustees meeting on the Decatur campus.Stewart was announced as the college’s eighth president on March 22, 2012. At East Central,...

Kicks Picks Week 3 Winner: Billy Wilbanks

The Kicks Picks Presented by Wheel In Grocery of Carthage was any very competitive competition in Week 3.  Four entrants tied for the top spot with Billy Wilbanks, of Carthage claiming the Tailgate Prize Pack on the tie breaker.Others tied were Mike Hatcher, of...