Breaking: Tips From Santa and MORE


We reached out to Santa’s spokesperson for an exclusive, but Santa had already departed. But, before he left the building he shared some important reminders for us. He said-

  1. Keep the fireplace chute open and extinguish any burning embers before going to bed.
  2. Also, check the Christmas tree lights for faulty wiring, and water that thirsty tree often. Any of these circumstances could actually lead to a potential fire hazard.
  3. He went on to say that it had been a really long year for all of us, so not to worry about the carbs in his cookies or the double extra hit of icing- just don’t tell Ms. Claus.
  4. Also, he said one more thing. We are all his kids, no matter what, no matter how old we are or whether we are an adult or not. So, no bullying about our differences, seek common ground, and work together, even if we don’t seem the same. Remember Rudolph. Each of you is a special gift from God. And you never know when your uniqueness in this dark world, just might help light the way. Merry Christmas.

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