The South of the River Roux Set for September 21st


The South of the River Roux is a mixture of fun, food and music, with something for everyone on Saturday September 21st.  Things get underway with the 2019 Mississippi Power Roux Run 5K and Fun Run, slated 8 a.m.

Cash Prizes will be awarded top male and female runners, top male and female walkers, and fun run winners, plus for age categories. Participants will be eligible for door prizes and ROUX Bucks. To sign up, visit,, or telephone town hall 601-253-2321.

Starting at 10:00 there will be music of all types featuring the Mississippi Blues Child, Mr. Sipp, Illusionist/Entertainer Todd Smith , Rust Bucket Roadies , and more

There will also be events for the kids plus a host of arts and crafts booths.  For more information and a copy of vendor application forms click on, telephone town hall or The Main Street Chamber of Leake County at 601-267-9231.