Changes on the Way for Tag Which Has Raised $1 Million for Fallen Officers and Firefighters


You see a lot of them these days when you’re driving in Mississippi– those customized black and white car tags which help to raise money for the families of fallen law enforcement officers and firefighters. And there could be more of the tags on the roads soon thanks to a new state law which makes it easier to get one.  The “blackout” design will be available with regular tag numbers, no customization required.

The executive director of the Mississippi Association of Chiefs of Police, Ken Winter, says when the tags first came out, he wasn’t sure they’d be popular with the public.  But he says they’ve been a hit and have already raised over $1 million for the Mississippi Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Death Benefit Trust Fund.   Each tag generates $36.25 for the Trust Fund.

Winter says some people who buy a blackout tag may not even realize where the money goes.  But he says those in law enforcement and the fire service appreciate the donations.