ECCC Students Receive Top Honors at State DECA Competition Last Week


Several East Central Community College students won top honors at the DECA State Career Development Conference held Feb. 26-28 at Mississippi State University Meridian.

The students now advance to compete at the DECA International Career Development Conference April 22-25 in Atlanta.

ECCC students receiving honors included:

Samayah Hord of Pulaski, first place, Entrepreneurship Operations.
Garet Jones of Lawrence, second place, Marketing Management.
Hunter Thrash of Philadelphia, first place, Retail Management.
Alison Watson of Collinsville and LaKenya Triplett of Forest, second place, Business Ethics Team Case Study.
Savannah Sullivan of Philadelphia, DeJiana Nicks of Newton, and Chloe Smith of Philadelphia, first place, Culinary Arts.

DECA is an international association of high school and college students and teachers of marketing, management and entrepreneurship in business, finance, hospitality, and marketing sales and service. The organization prepares leaders and entrepreneurs for careers and education in marketing, finance, hospitality, management, and other business areas.

ECCC instructors Wanda Hurley, Ruth Gregory and Barry Karrh serve as advisors.