EMNELA H ANDERSON, 27, of Carthage, Willful Trespass, Possession of Paraphernalia, Possession of Alcohol in Dry County, Leake County Sheriff’s Office. Bond $500, $1,000, $500.
TOMMY L BURNSIDE, 24, of Philadelphia, Felony Bench Warrant X 2, Leake County Sheriff’s Office. Bond N/A.
LISA DAY, 30, of Carthage, Public Drunk, Disorderly Conduct – Failure to Comply with Law Enforcement Officer, Leake County Sheriff’s Office. Bond $500, $500.
GREGORY C DUNCAN, 40, of Carthage, Public Drunk, Warrant, Carthage Police Department. Bond $239.25, $0.
DANIELLE N FORREST, 30, of Kosciusko, Felony Possession of a Controlled Substance X 2, Possession of Marijuana, Attala County Sheriff’s Office. Bond N/A, N/A, $1,000.
KHINYIN C GLENN, 18, of Walnut Grove, Shoplifting, Willful Trespass, Carthage Police Department. Bond $1,000, $1,000.
LARZIAH A HALL, 27, of Kosciusko, Sentenced – Felony, Attala County Sheriff’s Office. Bond N/A.
ABBA G HOLMAN, 38, of Durant, Felony Possession of a Controlled Substance X 2, Possession of Marijuana, Hold for Other Agency, Attala County Sheriff’s Office. Bond N/A, N/A, $1,000, $0.
MARY K ICKOM, 27, of Kosciusko, Disorderly Conduct – Disturbing the Peace, Resisting Arrest, Warrant, Kosciusko Police Department. Bond $0, $0, $0.
MARY M JOBE, 46, of Sallis, Felony Possession of a Controlled Substance, Felony Fraudulent Prescription, Possession of a Controlled Substance, Possession of Paraphernalia, Kosciusko Police Department. Bond $10,000, $10,000, $2,342.50, $671.25.
TEVIN A JOHNSON, 25. of Lena, Warrant, Bench Warrant, leake County Sheriff’s Office. Bond N/A, N/A.
GARY MOORE, 51, of Kosciusko, Domestic Violence – Simple Assault, Hold for Other Agency, Attala County Sheriff’s Office. Bond $1,000, N/A.
JOSHUA D PARKER, 32, of Walnut Grove, Disorderly Conduct – Disturbing the Peace, Leake County Sheriff’s Office. Bond $500.
JOSE PEREZ, 30, of Carthage, DUI – 1st Offense, Improper Equipment, Hold for ICE, Carthage Police Department. Bond $0, $0, N/A.
WESLEY D SMITH, 26, of Lena, Disorderly Conduct – Failure to Comply with Law Enforcement Officer, Resisting Arrest, No Driver’s License, No Tag, Leake County Sheriff’s Office. Bond $500, $500, $500, $500.
JONATHON A TAYLOR, 21, of Bentonia, Felony False Pretenses > $500, Hold for Other Agency, Kosciusko Police Department. Bond $10,000, N/A.
DAKOTA VIDONNE, 25, of Kosciusko, Felony Fleeing or Eluding a Law Enforcement Officer – Reckless or Willful Disregard for the Safety of Persons or Property, Receiving Stolen Property, Reckless Driving, DUI – Other Substance, No Driver’s License, No Insurance, Improper Equipment, Hold for Other Agency, Leake County Sheriff’s Office. Bond N/A, $500, $500, $1,000, $500, $500, $500, N/A.