Neshoba County Library Begins Their “Reading Trail” Soon!


B-MO in the MO’rning – The Neshoba County Library is kicking off their “On the Reading Trail” journey soon. Registration is now open for our 2023 “On the Reading Trail” Summer Reading Program! The program is for children ages pre-school through 6th grade and has two days dedicated to this event. Pre-school story times take place on Wednesdays, with K-6th grade taking place on Tuesdays and Thursdays!

Visit their website at then look for a star that says “Register HERE!!!”. Once you click that star, it will take you to the registration page. If you have any issues, please contact us at 601-656-4911.
If you are a church/daycare wanting to signing up a large amount of children, please contact us at the number above before registering.