Neshoba – The Big Pop Gun Show is This Saturday

The Big Pop Gun Show is this Saturday. The event takes place at Neshoba Coliseum this Saturday & Sun Dec 5th & 6th and will feature special hours for both days. Admission is $8 for adults, with children 6 to 11 only $2 and children under 6 are free. Saturday hours are 9am to 5pm and Sunday 10am to 5pm.
Buy, sell, trade or get appraisals while you are there and get your ticket discounts at their website. It’s the biggest event of the year and with the holidays around the corner, those hard to buy for hunters in your family just got easier to shop for! THERE WILL BE A STRICT SOCIAL DISTANCING POLICY IN EFFECT and MASKS ARE REQUIRED!
For more info on the event and discounts for your tickets visit Big Pop Gun Shows