Why Gas Keeps Going Up: Central Miss. Has Neither the Cheapest, Nor the Most Expensive


CARTHAGE, Miss.–Central Mississippi has neither the cheapest or the most expensive prices in the state. The state average is now $2.92 per gallon. The national average is now at $3.29 per gallon.

Carthage is reporting $2.95 and $2.99, according to Gasbuddy. Philly has several stations selling it in the $2.80s. A couple of stations in Kosciusko were close to $3 per gallon.

Gasbuddy’s Patrick DeHaan said demand is up, and that’s only adding to the list of reasons oil prices and gas prices keep going up. He explained earlier this week that the world is in an energy crunch, partly because of a coal shortage in china and a natural gas shortage in Europe.

Those countries are choosing to burn crude oil to generate electricity. That is increasing demand and decreasing availability.

Ultimately that trickles down to higher gas prices in central Mississippi (and everywhere else).