Winner, winner STEAK dinner!


Winner, winner STEAK dinner!

This week a some of our games were cancelled or rescheduled so everyone started out with a few free points. We also had to use a tie breaker this week! Our winner for Kicks Picks week 2 is Peggy Blount of Philadelphia!  Ms. Blount is the winner of a $50 gift certificate to Lee’s Steakhouse in Sebastopol.

Week 3 picks can be found here.

Monday 9/6 is Labor Day and one of our week 3 picks plays that day. We will announce our week 3 winner on Tuesday 9/7. Get your picks in by 6:00 p.m. Friday 9/3 to be eligible to win!

Make sure you play each week. The person who guesses the most games correctly this season wins a recliner from Byars Furniture in Philadelphia PLUS gets tickets to this year’s Egg Bowl. Get those picks in!

It’s Free… It’s Fun… It’s Kick Picks!