The Vaccination Report – Good News To Report About The Second Dose

There is some good news to report about the second dose and access. MSDH announced that “second-dose vaccination appointments will no longer be made through the online scheduler. Instead, look for instructions in your first-dose confirmation e-mail about making a second vaccination appointment. For those who have already received their first vaccination, watch for an e-mail message with instructions on scheduling your second appointment.” Also for any help call the COVID-19 Hotline at 877-978-6453.

As of today 280,838 vaccines have been administered in Mississippi with 241,853 first round vaccinations and 38,985 second round vaccinations. 1714 people have been vaccinated from Attala, 1828 people from Leake, 2009 from Neshoba, and 1601 from Winston county. Overall 538,375 vaccines have been received and distributed throughout Mississippi as of today.