Law Enforcement Stew Event this Weekend

The Leake County Constables and SouthGroup Cox Agency will host a Law Enforcement Stew on Saturday, December 7th, at 6 p.m. The event will take place at the Ingram's Steakhouse building. All active and retired law enforcement officers, along with their spouses, are invited to...

Law Enforcement Stew Event Set for December

The Leake County Constables and SouthGroup Cox Agency will host a Law Enforcement Stew on Saturday, December 7th, at 6 p.m. The event will take place at the Ingram's Steakhouse building. All active and retired law enforcement officers, along with their spouses, are invited to...
tel: 6625822455

Law Enforcement Stew Event Set for December

The Leake County Constables and SouthGroup Cox Agency will host a Law Enforcement Stew on Saturday, December 7th, at 6 p.m. The event will take place at the Ingram's Steakhouse building. All active and retired law enforcement officers, along with their spouses, are invited to...

Leake County Law Enforcement Supper Photo Gallery

The Leake County Constables hosted the Leake County Law Enforcement Supper on Saturday, September 21st at the Leake Country Club. Law enforcement officers and other members of the community gathered for an evening filled with fellowship, door prizes, good food, and an opportunity to strengthen...$19.99+Performance+Max&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=6980747738&hsa_cam=20100066933&hsa_grp=&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=x&hsa_tgt=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqsuOtYHViQMVyEb_AR19aAKBEAAYASAAEgJaCvD_BwE

Leake County Law Enforcement Supper Announced

The Leake County Constables will host a Leake County Law Enforcement Supper on Saturday, September 21, at 6 p.m. at the Leake Country Club. Law enforcement officers and their spouses are invited to attend. The evening will feature door prizes and an opportunity for local law...

MHP announces July 4 enforcement period

The Mississippi Highway Patrol will begin the 2024 Fourth of July Holiday Enforcement Period Thursday, July 4 at 6:00 a.m. and conclude it on Sunday, July 7 at midnight. “As we make the plans to celebrate this Independence Day weekend, let’s...

Carthage Officers Graduate Law Enforcement Training Academy

The Southern Regional Public Safety Institute at Camp Shelby held its graduation on Thursday, December 21, 2023. Chief Billy McMillan the Carthage Police Department would like to congratulate Ravion Henry and Tyler Kimble, two Carthage Police Officers that were among the graduates. Officers Henry and Kimble...

Leake County Law Enforcement Toy Drive a Success

Several local law enforcement agencies recently teamed up with the Main Street Chamber of Leake County and partnered with Leake County Child Protective Services to hold a toy drive to benefit children in Leake County. Gifts for children ages 1-12 were taken to designated drop...