The Neshoba Co. Fair featured state candidates Wednesday in Founders Square. Wednesday morning candidates spoke about the upcoming primary election.
Hundreds of people gather around the pavilion to hear what candidates had to say. Many voters I spoke with say founders square is where they make their decisions on the upcoming election.
“It’s the one time candidates all come together so it is the perfect place to really get a feel for which candidate will earn my vote, ” said one fair’goer.
Another fair goer says he attends the political speeches every chance he gets.
Wednesday’s speeches featured three candidates for Lt. Governor, Shane Quick (R), Jay Hughes (D), and Delbert Hoseman (R).
Hughes focused on teachers and education in his delivery, while Hoseman talked about economic growth and vocational training. Delbert Hoseman had over 200 supporters in the crowd, chanting and showing support for his candidacy.
Shane Quick:
Jay Hughes:
Delbert Hoseman: