Flu Cases Continue to Fall, Even in Local Hotspot


For the third week in a row, Mississippi’s flu rate is dropping.   The State Health Department’s latest update shows that 6.6 per cent of patients seeing their doctor had flu-like symptoms.  That’s down from 7.7 per cent the week before.  It appears flu season peaked in Mississippi the week before Christmas when the rate reached 9.7 per cent.  And if it follows the usual pattern, we should see a slow but steady drop as we head toward spring.

The public health district which includes Attala and Holmes counties still has a lot of flu cases but the numbers continue to decrease, with a flu rate now of just over 31 per cent, down from 39 per cent.   The health district which includes Leake and Neshoba counties is now at 6.5 per cent, up from 5.6 per cent the previous week.
