The 40th Annual Heart O’ Dixie Triathlon kicked off the Saturday events at the Neshoba County Fair. The Triathlon is sponsored by the Philadelphia Sertoma Club.
The event consists of a .5 mile swim, a 27.5 mile bike and a 7 mile run. The course starts just outside of Louisville at Lake Tiak-OKhata following Hwy 15 to Philadelphia and Hwy 21 out to the Neshoba County Fairgrounds.
This year’s 1st place finisher was Meridian native Adam Liester with an unofficial time of 2 hours. Liester finished second last year to Tyson Pompelia. Liester beat his last year’s finish time of 2:04.
The first Neshoba County runner to cross the line, Richard Goldman of Philadelphia. Goldman collected his thirteenth Dickey Nowell Award.
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