TREMAIN R BURKS, 48, of Carthage, Failure to Give Signal, Bench Warrant – Carthage Municipal Court, CPD. Bond $238, $0.
TONYA DRAKE, 43, of Philadelphia, Shoplifting, CPD. Bond $889.25.
NICHOLAS D GREEN, 45, of Philadelphia, DUI – 1st, Revoked or Suspended Driver’s License, KPD. Bond $2,000, $1,000.
ALEXIS R KENNEDY, 24, of Lena, Grand Larceny, Hold – Detainer for MDOC, MDOC. Bond N/A, N/A.
TYRELL T MOORE, 28, of Carthage, Resisting Arrest, Domestic Violence – Aggravated Assault, Disorderly Conduct – Failure to Comply with LEO, Profanity in a Public Place, CPD. Bond $649.25, N/A, $639.25, $239.25.
KATELYN R PRICE, 31, of Columbus, DUI – Other Substance, PPD. Bond $1,500.
TYWAN M STAFFORD, 46, of Philadelphia, Contempt of Court – Philadelphia Municipal Court, PMC. Bond N/A.
MARGARET A TOMLINSON, 50, of Carthage, Resisting Arrest, Disorderly Conduct – Failure to Comply with LEO, LCSO. Bond $500, $500.
JOSEPH TURNER, 36, of Philadelphia, Bench Warrant – Philadelphia Court, PPD. Bond N/A.
KIARA R YOUNG, 24, of Forest, Disorderly Conduct – Failure to Comply with LEO, ACSO. Bond $0.